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I have a SX 510 and the pictures are not sharp.

I do hold the shutter down half way until the bars are green but the picture is not nearly as sharp as my old Kodak camera. I'm trying to take pictures of my artwork to post online and this is extremely disappointing to have spent more for a camera who's quality is not nearly as good. I've had the camera since April and bought an extended warranty on Amazon so I'm wondering if I should just return it and go with a Kodak again. If anyone knows of a setting that will make a difference, please share. I'm about at the end of my rope. I was so excited to get this camera and now it's virtually unusable for the purpose I wanted it for.

I may have it figured out. I really need to experiment some more though. I set the ISO to 100 and increased the shutter speed. Think I'll play with it some this weekend to see if that helped significantly.