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How do I put a date stamp on the Canon G9x?


Is there a way to install software to put the date stamp on the Canon G9x? I had this feature on another camera and liked it for remembering certain memories. I would like to know if there is any possible way to add the date stamp feature on this camera. Any advice is appreciated!



I have not seen anything like that in any of Canon's cameras.  You can add time stamps in post processing of the images.  Just because the camera does not stamp the image, that doesn't mean the information is lost forever.  The complete shooting information is stored in the original image file that comes out of the camera.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


I don't believe you can.  Canon does away with electronic date stamps on their cameras for a while now.  Personally I think it's cheesy and ruins a good photo anyways.


Any Canon digital photo has an imbedded date in it's EXIF data.  Problem with this is when you use one of these unsophisticated photo editors...they will strip this information out of your photo.


One sure way of preserving the date of when the photo is taken is to name the files with the date.  This is easy. When you import the photos to the computer, there is an option to rename the files and you can select the date the photo is taken as part of the file name.  All of my pictures starts out with a date like 20160704_July Fourth Fireworks_001.jpg ...


There is an up side to this naming convention too - the computer will auto-sort the files in chronological order perfectly.

Diverhank's photos on Flickr


Most recent digital cameras do not have this feature since the picture shooting date and time is already recorded in the EXIF Metadata and can be shown by photo viewing software.


However if you still want to add date as part of the picture like in older Film cameras you can do it using software after you transfer the pictures to your computer.


For example please check out to batch insert shooting date/time/comment on a jpeg image in different formats and languages. A special feature is that the date stamp is lossless.
