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How do I moved my saved photos to my new Windows 8.1 computer?


I have Zoom Browser which came with my Canon SD100 about 10 years ago. I have hundreds of photos saved and I want to move them from my windows XP computer to my new windows 8.1 computer. How do I transfer them? They're in a folder titled c:\documentsandsettings\limited\mydocuments\mypictures. I have a 64g 3.0 USB thumb drive but I don't see any directions for saving the photos to the drive. Obviously I am not a computer guru. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.



I'll start by saying I have no idea how Windows 8 works but you'r one very lucky person not to have lost your files to a hard drive failure in 10 years. BACK THEM UP. There are so many ways to both do a back up & transfer that we'll need more info to help. DO NOT just transfer them & rely on your new computer to keep on working forever or until the next time you upgrade. Buy at least 1 portable drive to copy them too & use it to copy them to the new computer. If you want to keep it really simple buy a "Click Free" back up drive & let it do the back up.

To help us make GOOD recommendations tell us about your old computer. Does it have a CD or DVD burner? If so what software does it have? If not how big is your photo library in megabites or gigabites? How big is your thumb drive? The more you can tell us the better we can help.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Couldn't you copy them to a USB drive or card reader?


Should the folder be too large in size split them into smaller ones to accomodate.




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