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Has the Canon SX60hs topped-out the Bridge Family? Discuss?

Rising Star

I'm still on my trusty ole SX50hs and would like to upgrade to the next Canon. I'd like to leap frog the SX60.


Any thoughts beyond SX60hs? Or has Canon finally said goodbye to this Consumer Bridge format?





I have not seen anything on the Canon Rumors site about a replacement to the SX60. Quite honestly, I would think that Canon is concentrating on the larger sensor cameras as the cell phone has taken away a lot of business from camera makers with the small sensors. My guess (opinion) is that the G3X would be the new super zoom. With the larger 1" sensor, it would seem to go head to head with the Sony RX10 Mark III, whereas the smaller sensor cameras are dying off rather quickly now.


Steve M.

Steve, I found this on YT. Supports your observations: The Death of The Consumer Camera


You can leap even higher and go for an M5.

The Canon M5? If so I just read this review:


Not too stellar.

The EOS M5 is a mirrorless camera, which seems to be a popular format. But there is a lack of lenses for the M5 that makes it unattractive to me. At least the PowerShot G3X has a 25x lens on it. With the 1" sensor, you could still crop the photos with good results. The big issue with the longer lens of the SX50/60 is the small sensor that is needed to keep the physical size manageable. The larger 1" sensor would need a much bigger lens, and the camera would be substantially heavier than it is already with the same focal range it has now. Cost is another factor as these GX series cameras are getting rather expensive to buy.  Its a shame because the SX series is rather nice. I love my PowerShot SX150 IS, but that series is already dead. The SX170 was the last in the SX100 line up.


Steve M.
