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G16 will not connect to my computer wirelessly


The camera all of a sudden will not connect to my computer wirelessly.  I have found the network, put in the password and it just keeps searching and searching.  The camera is only a few feet from my router.


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi DLG16,


Thanks for posting.


To allow us to better assist you, please reply with the following information:


  1. Which operating system do you have on your computer?
  2. It sounds like you were able to wirelessly connect to your computer, in the past.
    • What changes, if any, have you made to your computer (e.g. software, hardware, etc)?
    • To the best of your knowledge, has your computer installed operating system updates recently?
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Win 7 Professional

Yes, it did connect in the past; that is the problem nothing changed

Yes OS is up to date

I have used it several times b/c I do eBay pics and it is so convenient and all of a sudden it won't work.

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi DLG16,


Thanks for your reply.


Since no updates or changes have occurred to your computer, it's possible that something has changed on your camera. To check for this, I recommend erasing your camera's Wi-Fi settings, then reentering them. For information on resetting your camera's Wi-Fi to default settings, please click here.

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@DLG16 wrote:

The camera all of a sudden will not connect to my computer wirelessly.  I have found the network, put in the password and it just keeps searching and searching.  The camera is only a few feet from my router.

Did your router update?  Those symptoms are consistent with a login from an invalid MAC address.  Resetting your camera’s Wi-Fi settings, and deleting all of the old Wi-Fi setups is a good idea.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I already did that, I reset all the settings and put them back in and it still does not work.

Any other suggestions?

I already reset all the wifi settings but it still does not work.

I don't know if the router has been updated or not.

@DLG16 wrote:

I already reset all the wifi settings but it still does not work.

I don't know if the router has been updated or not.

Check the router’s security settings.  Do you filter MAC addresses?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Sorry, check "what" router settings?   What specifically? I matched the pathway with the camera, i.e. WSK,etc.

I don't know what you mean by "filter MAC addresses" .

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi DLG16,


Thank you for your reply.


MAC Filtering restricts access to your router, using MAC addresses.  You'd have to set your router for this to use it.


I recommend checking the "services" on your computer.  These services allow your computer to recognize and connect to your camera.  For a step-by-step description of this, please click here.

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