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Filming with the PowerShot SX530 HS



I'm rather new to the world of real cameras, as for a long time I've used my iPhone's camera. But I recently got a PowerShot SX530 HS, and so far I'm very happy with it. However, I can't seem to understand the whole process of shooting a movie on the thing.

What I mean by that is: I can turn the mode dial to Movie mode and shoot films just fine, but I want to change perhaps the shutter speed or ISO from something of my choice instead of it constantly being on Auto. But I don't see how I'm able to do that. I can change them easily on the Manual mode of the camera, but am I unable to change those settings on the Movie mode?


Many thanks,

Zach Cantwell



Looking at the manual for your camera I'm getting the impression that you're pretty limited in controlling the shooting settings for video.

I think you might have the choice of using some of the scene modes that are also available for still shooting. But for either stills or videos you don't really have any way to fully control thing like aperture or shutter speeds.

If you haven't already, spend some time going thru the operator's manual to find out exactly what the camera is and isn't capable of doing.
