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Definitely need help authenticating


This is my first decent camera that I recieved as a gift. For the past week, I have not been able to transfer my pictures. The WiFi doesn't connect,  when I try selecting the computer as the option to transfer photos, it gives me a little cloud and says to choose that. I cannot find that anywhere on my camera. Now it tells me to authenticate the camera to register it.....and I can't even do that..I can't find the option! This is the most difficult thing I have ever experienced with a camera. If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. And the guidebook is completely useless with what I'm experiencing.



What camera?

It is the PowerShotSX530 HS.

OH my, you could not have articulated this better. SO frustrating. I have the EOS 200D. Supposedly so easy to use.

Is your computer connected via a WiFi enabled router?  If so it is probably WPS (WiFi protected setup) compatible and this will make setup fairly painless.


Have you already installed the Canon software on your computer (the Canon utiliies software)?  If not do this first so it will be ready.


Then follow the WiFi instructions in the camera manual for setting up a WPS authenticated camera connection.  Don't try to skip the step for entering a nickname for the connection, this is required.  You should also identify the WPS button on your router before you start, it is normally a big blue illuminated button.


Once the intial setup is done reconnection is fast and easy.


And for many devices wifi setup isn't as easy at it ought to be.  I fought with a Sony Blue Ray player a couple of years ago and the manual for it makes Canon manuals look incredibly good by comparison.


As a general comment the multiple colors, boxes, indents, etc. used in Canon manuals make them look nice but that same formatting often makes it more difficult to follow what is essentially an otherwise fairly simple sequential series of steps.  If the same setup information was provided as just a numbered list I think it would be far simpler and less intimidating for most users.  This morning I calibrated a Tektronix oscilloscope that is many times more complex than a camera but I bet that many people here could follow the Tektronix calibration protocol more easily than they could some fairly simple camera setups because Tektronix cleanly walks the user through a step by step process that doesn't create more questions than answers.



EOS 1DX M3, 1DX M2, 1DX, 5DS R, M6 Mark II, 1D M2, EOS 650 (film), many lenses, XF400 video