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Compatible Reader Device to retrieve photos from camera to computer


I have tried using my manual to register my camera and even got support help and I still can't get a connection after following the instructions(to get photos into computer) The support guy told me that there there is a compact flash reader device that can connect my camera to my computer(since I did that with my old Canon S70.) I need to get this device as the old one I have is not compatible with my new camera.



What model camera do you have now, still a S70 ?

I have the Power Shot SX710HS.

I don't think you've worded the question correctly but it sounds like you want to buy a card reader, which is a device you insert your memory card into & connect to your computer via a USB cable. Just about any currently sold card reader (they are relatively cheap) should be up to the task.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

I have a USB device that I used for my old camera and wondered if this usb device will work for this  new memory card. I also learned that my comuter is not set up for wi-fi connections with other devices(so my husband told me) He is out of town and said that he could  get it set up on his return. Which is easiest to do? I would prefer doing the old method that I did with my old camera.

I would say at the very least try the USB reader you have until your husband gets back to help set up a wifi direct connection.
