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Canon SX740 HS out of focus ,unable to edit photos.


Hi Guy's I'm based in the United Kingdom,

i have just purchased from a local department store the Canon powershot SX740 HS on March 31 2024, what a let down i must say, when my last camera also was a Canon powershot S2IS 5MP was great you pointed and shooted and ended up with great photos from a pictbridge camera, maybe a little editing here and there nothing major, but this new Canon SX740 HS is a nightmare to use , i think you need a masters degree to use it , every photo i take i have to edit it spending a considerable amount of time doing so any idea's were I'm going wrong or should i return it to Canon UK please see attached photos.ARMY 3.jpgIMG_0061.JPGIMG_0062.JPG101_0036.JPG

This my first time asking a question on a community website,



It would be helpful if you could post a couple of uncropped, unedited sample pics with the EXIF info intact. That will give us a better chance of trying to figure out what might be going on. You might even try shooting a couple shots at a lower resolution like 1600 x 1200 pixels.


Good Morning,

Since i got in touch with the forum i have a positive result, these problems sometimes crop up according to Canon UK with new equipment , so i was told to do a full reset ,then turning off the equipment ,removing the battery and the SD Card for 8 hours , the to reinstal the SD Card and battery and add the settings i required also to change the photo editing software which i did to Adobe Photo Express and now the camera is operating as one would expect, please see attached photo improvements , Thanks for your comment,

IMG_0090_edited.jpgIMG_0087_edited.jpgIMG_0094_edited.jpgSCANIA GRADER TRAILER.jpgARMY CAT MOTOR SCRAPER.jpgWSI DANISH LIEBHERR ARMY CRANE £250_edited.jpgRegards Jim.
