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Canon PowerShot SX60 HS


Is there any hope we will be seeing the Successor of SX50HS in upcoming NAB show ?

Planning to buy a Bridge Camera on April next month and Canon was always my first choice.

SX 40 HS Release Date: September 2011

SX 50 HS Release Date: September 2012
And SX 60 HS, it's April 2014 coming and no news of any possible release date, Canon really disapponted us. Man Sad


Can we expect Canon will bring a signaficant time changing technology after this long wait ?


Both The SX40 and SX50 has same 12 MegaPixel so expecting to have a increase in Pixel.
SX 40 has 35X Optical zoom while SX 50 has 50X so trend saying SX 60 will have 60X optical zoom.


What others we might expect

A new Image processor ?

Bigger LCD panel at back
better lens with improved autofocus and aperture ?

What you all pro people are guessing ? Thanks


Good for me:

1] External Microphone input terminal (f3.5mm stereo mini jack)

2] Full HD 1920 x 1080: 60 fps / 30 fps


Not clear for Video - Manual Aperture LOCK? The SX50 sufferd with the Levels wandering.




This thread - 13,066 VIEWS - to date.


Hot hot hot . . . .


Anybody got any further info? A YouTube sample would be neat . . . . .


The DIGIC 6 has more detail, speed and video value than the DIGIC 5.


I haven't seen nor heard about headphone Audio Monitoring? Mic-in, yes.








Can you order a printed manual for the SX50 camera? I looked under accessories but didn't find anything. Also, they list a 67mm filter for this camera. Can I find out if this filter is good for outdoors or why would I want it? Thanks

sorry I posted under sx60. I did search and that page popped up...I didn't check the heading like a dummy.

Hi samintx!


Thanks for the post.


In an effort to be more environmentally friendly, manuals are no longer printed to be included with many of our cameras.  However, you can download the manual for your SX50 HS from our website.  Please CLICK HERE to go to the download page.


The camera, with the aid of the filter holder accessory, can use a couple different 67mm diameter filters.  The most common of these is the 67mm UV Protector filter, which corrects for UV haze to a certain degree.  It also serves to protect the lens from dust, fingerprints, moisture, scratches and other physical damage.  It is great to use outdoors or indoors. 


The other filter listed is the 67mm Circular Polarizer, which is used to enhance picture quality by blocking harmful reflected light.  It is great to use outdoors on clear, sunny days.

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I wish the printed manual was an option to purchase as an accessory. Companies have cut back so much. I print out the pages of what I want to study and eventually have most of the manual printed and bind with a comb binding but so thick. Not really good to take in the field or pack on a trip. The last printed manual I have is for my 510.


Thanks for your help. This is a great Forum.


I still can not swallow this aperture of f / 3.4 - f / 6.4. The PANASONIC has a superzoom camera with 60X optical zoom and aperture of f / 2.8! I have the SX40 HS, I've done numerous comparisons of photos taken with it and made ​​with the SX50, the SX40 arguably the pictures are much better. More clarity, definition, etc. The photos taken with the SX60 are few on the internet, but I did not see myself very excited. Perhaps this new DIGIC processor 6 do some miracle, but so far have not seen anything.

These photos of birds I did with the SX40 in sunny day. The only editing I did in Photoshop was resizing to a smaller size and one of them made ​​a slight crop to recompose. But PICTURE QUALITY IS ORIGINAL AS GAVE ME THE CAMERA. The SX40 HS has handed me the "ready" photo!

Notice in the pictures that there is no "harshness" that has the photos taken with the SX50. In the SX60 I'm also noticing a harshness in the photos but is somewhat smaller. Bottom line: I'm still with the SX40 HS, which to me is still the best superzoom from Canon SX series produced by in terms of image quality.

@Bodooke wrote:

I still can not swallow this aperture of f / 3.4 - f / 6.4. The PANASONIC has a superzoom camera with 60X optical zoom and aperture of f / 2.8!


No, they don't.  The FZ200 is 25-600mm equivalent - 24x, not 60x.

"envionmentally friendly" is a catch phrase to pinch pennies for Canon or any manufactorer. Like not including software for new computers as they used to.


Stop publishing books of any kind to be "envionmentally friendly". It is a cost cutting measure with a PC moniker. You used to get an 8 gig SD card with camera's, too...nada now.


I have almost printed out the entire manual because I hate jumping around in a pdf to find something.


Thanks for your input. I thought maybe it would be an accessory by Canon. 😉

I greatly prefer not having a printed manual.  I always want to keep it, and I never use it, making it something useless to store around my house.


I find a PDF manual to be superior because it takes up no space and, most importantly, is searchable.
