Cannon Power shot sx10is


Canon Power shot sx10 is will not extend lens, nor will iot turn on.  Display gives "lens Error" display.



Could be several things going on here:


  1. Is the battery fully charged? If the battery is old, it may not have enough ampacity left to work the lens.
  2. Has the camera been used in a dusty environment lately? There could be small bits of dirt on the lens barrel causing enough friction to keep the lens from opening. Try using compressed air for electronics or an index card around the lens barrel to see if you can dislodge any dirt or dust.
  3. Has the camera been dropped at all? Even a soft landing with the lens extended can misalign the lens and keep it from opening. May require service from a camera shop.
  4. Does the camera have a lot of use on it? Could be a worn or broken gear/motor issue which would require servicing.


Thanks for the tips.  Tried the card tricka nd realignning the lens.  Lens looks to be straight in the barrel.  Will try an air shot.  Yes we live in a very sandy area and hhave a frac sand plant VERY near us. It does get a LOT of use.  Granddaughter is a budding Ornithologist and is lost without it.  Thanks a lot.  The factory cost for repair is out of the question, so have to try what I can for her. And also, did put in new batteries twice.

If you have access to compressed air try blowing it any case do not toss it it is still worth money on auction sites.

I'd say take it apart but if things get misaligned then you will have other problems once you reasemble it. I don't know how handy or adventurous you are but taking the covers off, not the lens assembly might, and I emphasis might not will reveal the source of the problem.
