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Blank screen on Canon PowerShot SX60 HS

Screen blank in shooting mode, works in pic review, including menu

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you soooo much!  It had been drving me backwards. (nod to Eno)

I have a canon sx50 with a lcd screen that is not working. The viewfinder is working properly and when I hit the button DSP the lcd screen somewhat gets black grayish collor, but does not go anywhere beyond that.
The warranty is over and the technicians of my city are not reliable.
Could someone please spread some light on this?

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Trofe,


Thank you for posting.


Based on your description, your camera will require service to correct this issue. Please contact our technical support team for assistance. For contact options, please use this URL:

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Thank you so much, I have been stressing all morning thinking my camera was broken and that worked!


Thanks again!

What is the best way to custom the display screen. There are two options for the lcd screen. I have ticked the boxes I want. I don’t want the black screen when I toggle. How do I stop it. 

after awhile it worked fore me too


I inadvertently had the camera setting on long shutter, have taken loads of photos but they are all blank.  Is there any way of retrieving these?

I've tried this several times with no results. Is there another setting that could interfere with this operation?


Please help!  I can turn my camera on, it makes a beep, and green light shows occasionally, but I have nothing but a blank lcd screen.  I've tried pressing the display button several times, and it beeps, but nothing shows up on the screen.  What's the next step?
