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MX922 keeps going offline


I set up the MX922 a couple of weeks ago, it's a nice printer, but it keeps going offline !!!! Why is that ? Yesterday I checked the properties and there was a checkmark beside "Use Printer Offline". How in the world it got like that is beyond me, so I unchecked it, and started printing, everything good. Now today it's offline and I can't get it to come online at all . . .  WTF ???? The property "Use Printer Offline" is UNchecked, so that's not the issue . . . It's connected via wireless. This post says you have to keep turning ther printer off and back on to wake it up . . . is that true ???? if so, that's going to make me mad(der than I already am).


So I turned it off, back on, and the printer is now "Ready" ! yea for small miracles, but then I went to print and it won't print !!! it says in the little Canon box "Another printer is using the printer . . . The following status is the usage status of that computer." . . . but there's NO "status of the other computer" . Man Sad

So I fiddled with the print queue and it looked like the printer was going to print, then it stopped and did nothing. so I canceled the job from the print queue, tried to print again, first it says "Port is in use", then it went again to ""Another printer is using the printer".


So I shut down Computer B (Windows 7-64 bit), and tried to connect to the printer via wireless . . . it couldn't find the printer when I tried to "Add Printer". So I went through the steps to connect to the wireless router, connected !!!! It still couldn't find the printer 😞


So I plugged in the computer to a USB port, it found it right away, but won't print !!! Now it says "The printer is performing another operation" !!! WTF x 2 !!! What operation might this be ????


So I turned the printer off, back on, and the previous document that wouldn't print due to "The printer is performing another operation" printed ! Woo-hoo, I thought . . . so I tried to print again, and back to square 1: "The Printer is offline" . . . BUT the Control panel settings says that the Printer is Ready !!! ahhhhhhhhh


Now it's printing normally, but it's connected via USB.


Not exactly smooth sailing for a fancy printer . . . . sheesh . . .



Update: I conncted the printer to PC A, which is my main computer, via USB cord. Now everything is working fine.  I set up PC B to the network, and it recognized the printer and I added the printer, but it's shared from PC A.


My conclusion is the wireless doesn't work as expected - too much goofing around and nothing controling the printer. Everything is good now, except for the wireless being a POS.


Accepted Solutions


First, Go to Start > Devices and Printers, and make sure your printer is set to default. If not, right click and set to default. Next, Right click the printer icon and select "See What's Printing". Click on "Printer" and Deselect "Use Printer Offline".

This should fix the issue, however, the root cause is usually but not always caused by trying to print from an attachment in an email. Pop-up blockers and internet connections can sometimes interfere and cause a printer to go offline. Download the attachment first, open it and then print. You can file or trash the attachment after it prints. Hope this helps. BTW, on a related issue, adding a printer in the devices and printers window can sometimes add the generic Windows Update printer driver. It does not work well with multi-function devices. The best driver to install for all multi-function printers is the one on the installation CD or the driver posted on the driver support page of the printer manufacturer.

View solution in original post


I have tried to keep this printer on line but it doesn't stay on for more than a day. Garbage printer!!! I have a windows 7 64 machine with linksys router. I am trying to print from Google cloud via android. I works for a few hours then off line. This is the worst printer I have ever owned!

Rivers2Run - sorry to hear that. I saw several other posts that said essentially the same thing.


Since I attached it directly to Printer-A, all is good. It stays on all the time. My wife printed without issue and I come home tonight and print print print, no issues. It must be the wireless is goofy.


I've spent several hours today trying to fix the same problem.  Finally fixed it by uninstalling the printer and reinstalling it using the disk.


I have several devices using this printer - a PC, macbook, android tablet (google print) and an ipad(air print).  The printer keeps going offline, which leads me to believe there may be a firmware or setup problem wityh the printer.  Will contact canon support shortly.

Please post a response here after you hear from Canon.
(same problem for me)

I believe I found a solution--at least, it has worked after leaving the printer alone overnight, which used to cause it to go offline.


I'm working on a Linux system, but I think the solution is not system dependent, so I'll post my solution in the hope that it helps some others.


I called Canon tech support, they basically said that they couldn't help me because I have Linux.  That was annoying, especially since the issue didn't seem system dependent (I've found posts about the same issue from people with various versions of Windows and Mac OS).  


Fortunately, the person I spoke with at their Chesapeak call center check around with some people he knows who use Linux before giving up.  Here was the solution:



Go to Menu>>Setup>>Device Settings>>Lan Settings>>Other Settings>>TCP/IP Settings>>IPv6

Chose No



Go to Menu>>Setup>>Device Settings>>Lan Settings>>Other Settings>>Wireless LAN DRX Setting

Choose Disable


I left everything else about my setup the same and this appeared to solve it. 

The solution above did not work for me. I still have the problem.

Rabarrett, thanks for sharing this. My printer couldn't obtain an IP address while wired or wireless. Even when I manually set the IP, the printer wouldn't stay online. As soon as I changed these two things, it was able to get online right away. Thanks!!

Could not agree with you more!