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MX922 keeps going offline


I set up the MX922 a couple of weeks ago, it's a nice printer, but it keeps going offline !!!! Why is that ? Yesterday I checked the properties and there was a checkmark beside "Use Printer Offline". How in the world it got like that is beyond me, so I unchecked it, and started printing, everything good. Now today it's offline and I can't get it to come online at all . . .  WTF ???? The property "Use Printer Offline" is UNchecked, so that's not the issue . . . It's connected via wireless. This post says you have to keep turning ther printer off and back on to wake it up . . . is that true ???? if so, that's going to make me mad(der than I already am).


So I turned it off, back on, and the printer is now "Ready" ! yea for small miracles, but then I went to print and it won't print !!! it says in the little Canon box "Another printer is using the printer . . . The following status is the usage status of that computer." . . . but there's NO "status of the other computer" . Man Sad

So I fiddled with the print queue and it looked like the printer was going to print, then it stopped and did nothing. so I canceled the job from the print queue, tried to print again, first it says "Port is in use", then it went again to ""Another printer is using the printer".


So I shut down Computer B (Windows 7-64 bit), and tried to connect to the printer via wireless . . . it couldn't find the printer when I tried to "Add Printer". So I went through the steps to connect to the wireless router, connected !!!! It still couldn't find the printer 😞


So I plugged in the computer to a USB port, it found it right away, but won't print !!! Now it says "The printer is performing another operation" !!! WTF x 2 !!! What operation might this be ????


So I turned the printer off, back on, and the previous document that wouldn't print due to "The printer is performing another operation" printed ! Woo-hoo, I thought . . . so I tried to print again, and back to square 1: "The Printer is offline" . . . BUT the Control panel settings says that the Printer is Ready !!! ahhhhhhhhh


Now it's printing normally, but it's connected via USB.


Not exactly smooth sailing for a fancy printer . . . . sheesh . . .



Update: I conncted the printer to PC A, which is my main computer, via USB cord. Now everything is working fine.  I set up PC B to the network, and it recognized the printer and I added the printer, but it's shared from PC A.


My conclusion is the wireless doesn't work as expected - too much goofing around and nothing controling the printer. Everything is good now, except for the wireless being a POS.


🤔 Why are you going in circles? There is an option to disable IPV6 on the printer. It instantly fixed the printer offline issue for me and I am running Windows 10. It was not an issue with the operating system. The printer couldn’t communicate with the router/network correctLy with it on.

Did not work for me.
