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imageCLASS MF644Cdw won't power up.


I bought the MF644cdw on Black Friday 2019 and brought it to South Korea.
It is designed to use 120v, but here in Korea we use 220v. My family plugged the printer into 220v and it broke. Looking at the power board, I noticed that several capacitors, thermistors, varistors and bridge diodes had failed.
Other parts may also be broken, but I think it can be saved by replacing the power board.
It was broken within the warranty period, but I have been here in Korea, and I did not think of sending a repair service because it was caused by user error.
I wonder if it is possible to buy just the power board parts separately.
"FM2-G953" is written on the PCB of the power board.
Can this part be purchased separately?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello ReNu,

To purchase parts for our printers, you can contact our parts team over the phone at 1-866-481-2569. You can check if they have parts that work in your area, but they would have the USA parts in stock so I can't guarantee that they work with the power in your area.
