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imageCLASS MF451dw Error code: 2100009 for wifi scanning with Ventura OS


Hi, I can scan via usb but not via wifi with an iMac using Ventura 13.1 and Canon MF451DW. Installed drivers from website still no luck. Any help appreciated.


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello Findog,

The error only happens when you try to scan over the network, you can try turning off any security that could be blocking the scan utility. If you are still getting the same error, you can try improving the printer's network connection by moving closer to your wireless router or unplugging your router from the power for 5 seconds and then plugging it back in. Once the network is back up, you can try scanning again to see if it works.

If you continue to get the same error, I would suggest contacting support at 1-800-652-2666. Our agents would be happy to check the network connection/environment to see what might be causing the issue.
