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New Printer Driver is Missing or Invisible - Mac


I just downloaded and installed drivers for an MX922.  Mac OS 10.11.3   The installer says installation was successful.


The scanner drivers are all visible, but the printer driver/app is not.  The manual indicates that I should be able to find and open the printer driver app in the Appications folder.  It is not there, though the sanner drivers are.  Ran the installer two more times, with no help.  Spotlite search does not find a file with the driver name anywhere on the disk. 


I did manage to manually set up the printer for Wi-Fi printing - but would like to have the printer app available. 


Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide ...


Accepted Solutions

Drivers & Downloads->Software
John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

View solution in original post



Not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but if you go into System Preferences->Printers & Scanners you will see your printer.


Click Options & Supplies->Supply Levelks->More InfoScreenshot_1_31_16__9_26_AM.jpg

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

JRHoffman75 replied ...
"Not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but if you go into System Preferences->Printers & Scanners you will see your printer."
I guess it's not really right to say the driver isn't there.  Just as you say, the printer is there in the Printers & Scanners prefs. Though that didn't appear, either, without a fair amount of mucking about.  While mucking, I browsed the manual PDF looking for clues.  I was trying to set the printer up over Wi-Fi.  I found references to printer utilities that I should find if I looked in the Mac's "Applications" folder.  (Unfortunately, the manual is copy protected - and there appears to be no way to upload a screen shot here ... [invalid file type error]) ...
The manual says:
Starting up IJ Network Tool
  1.  Select Applications from the Go menu of Finder, double-click Canon Utilities > IJ Network Tool, and double-click the Canon IJ Network Tool icon.
>> Note
You can also start up IJ Network Tool by clicking Network Settings from Device Settings & Maintenance on Quick Menu.
There is no IJ Network Tool installed anywhere in my Applications folder.  I must assume that "Quick Menu" ia a part of that tool.  In any case, none of that stuff is available.  Searching disk-wide for "IJ" found only scanning utilities that were installed with the scanner drivers. No new printing utilities were found.  As I remember, there was no sign of the printer, either, until I discovered its IP address using my Wi-Fi router and brought it in manually (though I could be dis-remembering this puzzle-piece).

Download IH Network Tool here:
John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

Drivers & Downloads->Software
John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

Thanks for the map through the maze! 


All this seems to have happened because the printer's install CD was unreadable.  I assumed that downloading and installing the printer driver would also yield an installation of the utilities.  It did for the scanner drivers, after all ...   That's what happens when assuming, I guess.  Patterns don't always generalize. 


I downloaded and installed the utilities, and things *sort of* worked.  At least, the IJ Network Tool recognized the printer, and the printer was already working.  However, Canon Qick Menu and Easy-PhotoPrint EX each failed to find the printer.  I had to un-install and re-install the printer before they could see it - despite the network tool seeing it, and the fact that it was a working printer installation. 


When searching the 'net for a fix, I discovered that this is not an uncommon occurrence, over multiple versions of Easy-PhotoPrint EX, at least.  Seems like these utilities *aughta* be able to discover a working printer installation and respond properly.  Smells like a bug. 
