MX922 - No option to "print a pattern for color adjustment"


I could really use the ability to print a pattern for color adjustment.


According to the manual, it's supposed to be at the bottom of the dialog that appears when you selection Printer properties> Main> Color/Intensity > manual > set.


The dialog I get has no options at the bottom.


Since I was using 4 x 6 in. paper, I thought it might be because of the paper size. However, the "print a pattern for color adjustment" fails to appear even with US Letter size photo paper selected.


How do I access this feature?





Forgot to say, Windows 7.
After experimentation, the option is available on the Canon My Printer preferences. It doesn't show up in any of my photo editing programs.

It DOES show up if I right-click on the file in Explorer and use the primitive Windows print dialog.

So I have a workaround, but am left wondering why it doesn't show up in the File > Print dialog of any of my editors.




The print dialog menus of your programs are unique to the software.  You would have to access the Preferences or Properties of the printer through the Print dialog menu in your program in order to access the printer settings.  


Check the documenation for your software to see if these adjustments are possible in the program.


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Sorry - should have specified that of course I clicked through to printer preferences in an attempt to reach the dialog.

I now note that the help page for the pattern/color adjustment topic says at the end, "Depending on your application software, this function may not be available."

I guess it won't be available in the photo editing programs that I use.