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MF Toolbox 4.9 able to talk to D1550?


Hello all,


My boss loves the old Toolbox 4.9 UI that allows you to name a file before it's scanned, in the "File Name" box under the Save utility. And he really loves that it remembers those settings so he can scan the next document by changing just a letter or two of our serial filenames without retyping the whole file path and filename each time. Sadly, the time has come to retire our careworn MF6500, but the scan utility that comes with this new D1550 is basically the Darkest Timeline version of Toolbox 4.9: you scan first then name the file, and you have to type the filename completely each time. Annoying. And when the boss is annoyed, we all suffer.


Is there a way to get the MF Toolbox 4.9 to treat our D1550 as a compatible scanner? To keep the old UI (or an analogue) with the newer device?


Best regards,

