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How do I scan to email on MF632Cdw


I just recently purchased the Canon MF632Cdw and I would like to scan to my email, but when I do that and after I put in my email address, I get


CANNOT SEN E-MAILS: E-mail/I-fax Settings are not configured in Remote UI. For more information, contact the system manager.





It is wanting you to set up the SMTP setting using the RUI. What you need to do is us the i.p address to remote into the copier via internet browser. Once in there you will need to look for either SMTP settings or OutGoing Email settings. There you will need to enter in a SMTP server address, for example (SMTP.GMAIL.COM) for gmail or (SMTP.OFFICE365.COM) for outlook. Then you will need to match the port # to the correct outgoing port such as 465 or 587. Next you will want to enter in your email address and password in the authentication section. If you are still getting error messages then you may need to match your secondary DNS settings to match the SMTP server, for example google DNS is ( Hope this helps.

I know this is an old topic, however, I recently purchased this rig and am, now trying to do all of the i-Fax and 'scan-to-email' bits.

I tried fumbling my way through the web interface but am apparently doing something wrong because when I try to scan to my email, it prints an error report.

Can you provide steps (including what to click on/edit for to get me up and running?

Thanks very much in advance.

Hi Alpine725.


I will be glad to assist you.


What is the error code that is printed on the error report? Also, who is your email service provider?


I look forward to your response.


If you need immediate assistance, please call us at 1-800-OK-CANON (652-2666), Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET (excluding holidays).

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Hey there Patrice,
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. The error code is 839 and I am trying to send via Gmail.

Thanks again...

Hi Alpine725.


The error indicates that the SMTP information may be incorrect. It is recommended that you use the Send Function Setting too to set up the scan to email feature. Please follow the instructions at this link:


Configuring Basic Email Settings


You may also need to change the SMTP port number directly at the printer. Please follow the steps at this link:


Changing Port Numbers


If you still continue to experience an issue, please call us at 1-800-OK-CANON (652-2666), Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET (excluding holidays).

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Can you speak in a language that people understand?????????????????????????

this is not helpful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
