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Have to unplug imageCLASS D570 and plug it in to print every time


I am connecting to my Canon D570 via USB and printing from a Macbook Air running Monterrey.  Every time I print it spools on the Mac and says connected to the printer, but it will never print.  It will usually finally print if I unplug the printer from the wall and plug it back in.  Sometimes though I have to delete the print job from the spool, start the print again, then unplug the printer and plug it in again.  I have tried reinstalling the drivers and that has not helped.  Thoughts/suggestions?  Please keep your input as non-technical as possible.  Thank you!


Product Expert
Product Expert


The issue that you are describing would point to a communication issue or a driver/printing system issue. You can try removing the printer from printers and scanners on your Mac using the - at the bottom of your printer list. Once removed, you can try connecting the printer to another USB port on the computer or using a different USB cable. Once reconnected, you can click the + at the bottom of the printer list and you can try adding the printer to see if the issue has been resolved.

If you continue to have issues and have already reinstalled the latest version of the recommended drivers from our site, I suggest contacting support over the phone at 1-800-652-2666. Our agents would be happy to assist.


Another thing to consider. Being a MacBook air, I am assuming you only have USB-C ports. Are you using a dock or USB-C converter in line with the printer USB cable, or are you going direct from the port on the laptop to the port on the printer? I have seen weird issues with certain docks and converter dongles. Just food for thought.
