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D480 paper jam error message but no paper jam sensors not paper jam




I have a Canon D480 all in one machine and today when I turn on my printer it says "paper jam please open cover and remove toner".  I did and there is no paper jam at all.  I want to know is this common trouble with all of Canon printers or not?  This is false paper jam.  What is the acutally problelm with the printer that is displaying this message?  Is it the motherboard inside the machine has a problem or the sensors itself?






Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello Mikecintel,


If you have removed the toner cartridge and inspected the paper path and do not see anything, it would mean there is something wrong with the hardware or there is an obstructions in the paper path that is not visible. The jam error will come up when one of the paper path sensors detect an obstruction.


You can try unplugging the printer from the power and then pressing the power button 10 times while the printer is unplugged. After that, you can plug the printer into a different power source and you can try turning it on. If you still get the same error, it would mean the printer needs service. You can use the link provided HERE to log into your Canon account to check what service options are available.


If you like, you can also contact support over the phone at 1-800-652-2666. Our phone agents would happy to assist.

Hi Hector,


Thanks for the reply.  WOW it's been 2 months since someone replied! I forgot that I posted in the Canon forms about my all in one machine.  I did all of what you said and pressing the start button 10 times and it does not work and it still has same error.  Yes then there is a problem with my machine.  I have called Canon and since this product is discontinued there are no parts avalible for this printer at all.  So now I have to buy a new AIO machine.


Thanks for your help.


