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Could not perform correction -- message -- MF644Cdw


What does this message mean and why don't the functions work?


Could not perform correction


I get this message after running either of these functions:


Correct Print Color Mismatch

Auto Adjust Gradation


What is preventing these functions from working? (Does it simply mean there is nothing to correct?)

How can I fix the problem?





I am having the exact same issues. The only things I am now trying that no one else has mentioned is condensation removal which can take up to 3 hours and turning on reduce faint printing after replacing cartridge. Will reply back if it helps.


I have had this problem on and off for years with my MF8580CDW. Usually I use compatible cartridges but for the past year my printer has had correction issues with one out of two cartridges so I ended up installing original Canon cartridges. Worked fine for a few months and then same issue has cropped up again.
I tried swapping cartridges in various combinations (I have 2 sets, one original and one compatible) without any luck. I did all the cleaning ITB etc... While searching on the internet I came accross the service manual. The correction feature reads the alignment signal from the "colour displacement/density signal" sensors. This is the bar in front  of the machine just under the toner cartridge tray. With the black toner cartridge removed and the tray slightly pulled out it is possible to see several square or rectangular holes in the plastic cover which is held by 2 screws. In four of those holes (2 on each side) there are small black round sensors. I first gave them a swipe with a small paintbrush without success, I then cleaned them with some alcohol on a cotton bud and hey presto the alignment worked again.
It is relatively simple fix. I do not know why it is not recommended to clean these sensors from time to time. I hope this info will save a few printers from being junked. I was getting close to that point after having spent all morning trying to solve the isssue.

Thanks for posting your solution to this problem.  I downloaded the service manual for my MF644CDW and located the color displacement/density sensor and the color displacement sensor located under the cartridge tray.  I tried the same things you mentioned and had no results.  I keep hoping that some solution eventually works.  Even though the printer is still under warranty, Canon has refused to repair or replace it.

Setting the paper settings to #1 on both did it.  It works now... Weird. But works. 

