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Constant problems with Canon Imagepress C6010




I've a friend that has a Canon Imagepress C6010.


He's almost tearing all of what's left from his hair, since the printer is constantly giving problems, and the time that it takes the technicians to fix the issues, he loses many hours of work.


The problems are mostly random but many times it's the same ones, over and over again. It's true that the Canon techs always fix the issues, but my friend has to wait for them to come (when they are available) and then wait a little more for them to fix the printer.


Is this normal in this printer?


I've talked with other people in the same business and all of them have problems once in a while, but not this many times.


My friend already talked with the Manager of Canon (Portugal) and he say that this is normal!


I think he has this printer for over 2 or more years and it's the same thing since the beginning. Once per week, sometimes even more, the printer gives a problem. Sometimes the printer runs for 1 or 2 or even 3 weeks without a problem, but this is just sometimes.


Any ideas? What should he do?
