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Canon Imageclass MF4370dn Scanner not working with Win 8 64 bits



I have recently upgraded my PC to win 8 64 bits. Now it seems that my scanner part on the imageclass MF4370dn is not working even after installing the latest drivers and software. When I try to scan using the Canon MF Toolbox 4.9 the program stops responding. 

The scanner was working without any problems on Win7. Any help/ suggestions would be greatly appreciated.






Hi--I had a similar problem and called Canon Tech suport, where the rep was extremely helpful. For some reason the scanner driver had not installed on my Win 8 machine, even though print and fax did install. The scanner was shown under Other Devices in Device Manager, with an exclamation point problem indicator. The rep walked me through installing the scanner driver.  Try giving Canon a call.


I think you must try installing the drivers freshly again.There are many drivers that are not supporting Win 8.You should find out the driver that is supporting Win 8. replacement ink cartridges

I am having the same problem after upgrading to windows 8.

In fact after install the driver for MF4370dn, it show up as a MF4360 printer????????????????


I had the same problem with the scanner after I updated my windows to version 8.1.

I also updated the printer drive to the lastest version but the scanner still didn't work.


You know how people has this little habit when comes to install software.

We usually just click next, next, next and don't even bother to read the the whole thing.


Well, that was the mistake I made.

I connect my printer via wireless network.

When it came to choose "connecting your print though USB or wireless network".  If i didn't choose "wireless network" maunally and just clicked next.  So the computer set the printing connection though UBS and that was the reason computer could not find my printer and scanner.


So if you connect your computer vai wireless network, remember double check your choice of connection mothed.   
