Black smudges on imgCLASS LBP612Cdw


Lately my imageCLASS LBP612Cdw has been printing every page with these uneven patterned black smudges. I thought it looked like a roller was "stamping" the pages as the paper gets fed by it, so I wiped down the black toner's roller and even swapped the cartridge. I also wiped down the rear feed roller. No change whatsoever. Any ideas what might be causing this?




Just giving this a friendly bump because I posted it on a slow day.

Hi, loandhighknight!

Thanks for posting on our forum! This community is designed for your fellow Canon owners to help each other out with any problems they may encounter. If this is a time-sensitive matter, click HERE search our knowledge base or register your Canon gear HERE to access additional support options.

Thanks and have a great day!

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello Loanhighknight,

The issue looks like the transfer belt or the fixing assembly is dirty. To resolve the issue, you can try cleaning the ITB and the fixing assembly using the steps in the link HERE. If cleaning those items does not resolve the issue, it looks like there is something wrong with the hardware. In that case, you can contact our support team at 1-800-652-2666. Our agents would be happy to check further into the issue or offer any available service options.
