Automatic Tray Selection MF743cdw


Why when set to auto select the prinetr doe not sequence the MPT fires, ten drawer 1 nad then drawer 2 and so forth.

I keep having to set MPT when I wan to use it.  MY previous HP printers would first go to MPT and if no paper move on to tray 1 etc.

Is there any setting to make this happen on MF743cdw???


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello yssaw39,


When the paper tray selection is set to auto, the printer will choose the tray based off of paper size. The printer will look for the tray that has the paper size that was requested by the print job. You can register your paper sizes for the printer using the steps in the link provided HERE.


Once you register a paper size to the tray, the printer will pull paper from that tray when ever that specific paper size is selected in your print window.


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I found my answer with this setting........thanks anyway.

<Prioritize MP Tray>

Specify whether to feed paper from the multi-purpose tray when Auto Select Paper is enabled. If <On> is selected, paper is fed from the multi-purpose tray when paper of the same size and same type is loaded in both the multi-purpose tray and paper drawer.