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Selphy CP900 Displaying Question Mark Error When Inserting Memory Card


Using a Canon Selphy CP900 and there appears to be a defect that if you edit the images in Photoshop, the Selphy doesn't recognize the images and refuses to display them on the screen or print them. Just a question mark is displayed. It does this to some images, but not all so I'm thinking it has something to do with the Exif data, but unsure.


There is something on the Canon Support page regarding this error, but no real solution to it.

Please advise.


I have tried out now JPGs on SD card and on usb stick, my JPGs have EXIF data (i create JPGs via aperture; i can see the EXIF on the JPG with different tools. If you do not believe me: => is an example of such JPG with exif data but which is not recognized by the printer.)

In both cases (sd card, usb-stick) selphy cp900 does not recognize the JPGs.


An official printer driver for OS-X 10.10 (yosemite) is NOT available.
However, i nice guy created a package for a driver for OS-X 10.10 ... but, it looks like that driver in some cases does not work with WIFI but with USB cable only ... but i have no such usb-cable (see


I have NO posiibility to print!
I'm really annoyed.

When does Canon provide all the software for OS-X 10.10?

How can i print a JPG when transfering via usb stick or sd card?
(No, i do not want to buy a Windows PC to use my printer).

Please help!


Disappointed in the complete lack of interest from Canon in helping out customers with this issue. My printer doesn't recognise ANY format. Just question marks. Would advise people to avoid purchasing one of these.

Here are my latest findings:


When using a UBS cable the printer may work together with OS-X 10.10 (yosemite), however the file must have the right format (width to height ratio) , otherwise the printer denies to do its work; ... somehow cumbersome ...


If you add one JPG to a SD card or an USB stick: The printer shows a big fat question mark "?" indicating he's not reconizing the file, ... BUT it it will print if you push the "PRINT" button ...
... but you have no other possibilites (no "edit", etc. ...)


I'm happy that i can print now at least "somehow" ... but i'm still very disappointed how bad Canon "supports" MAC users which leads to very limited possibilites with the SELPHY printers ...




I realize this discussion is old, but I wanted to post my fix.  As it was pointed out earlier in the thread, pictures coming out of Photoshop cannot be printed.  On my CP800, I was having the same issue.  What fixed it for me, was in Photoshop when you save the image as a JPEG, there is an option in the "JPEG Options" dialog box (I have CS6) for Format Options.  The default is Progressive; those pictures were not working.  Choose the Baseline ("Standard") option and the pictures worked!



JPEG Options.jpg

Here is my solution with GIMP 2.8:


1. open a working image (no question mark displayed on Selphy) with GIMP

2. paste new image over existing one or do your necessary "photoshopping"

3. export image as follows:


Forgot last step:

4. The modified image is now displayed as a question mark but can still be printed.


This solution worked perfectly for me. I always edit my photos before doing anything with them. So, Thank You!!


@Wenz wrote:



JPEG Options.jpg



Hi  It took me 3 days to solve this problem with the Canon printer!!!  I manage to print by changing the format of the photo in Photoshop.  When you Save As change the format to Baseline ("Standard").  And then it printed.  This is my last Canon ever!!!  And I am still waiting from Canon for an answer.  Hope this can help.

Thanks, I will try that.

By mistake I pressed the zoom plus button while the screen showed the question mark and my photo suddenly appeared! No logical reason why this happens but it works. Give it a try.