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Selphy CP1500 not recognizing photos on SD card


I have a new CP1500 and trying to get it to recognise photos (jpg) on an SD card. All I get is ? mark.  Does anyone have any suggestions?


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Product Expert

Hi LethbridgeHS,

The question mark that appears is an indication that the images you are attempting to print are not recognized by your SELPHY CP1500.

This issue would occur if you are attempting to print an image that has been edited or was saved in a format not supported by your printer.

As per the manual:

  • Images may not be displayed or printed correctly if they have been edited on a computer, or if the long side exceeds 35000 pixels.




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Obviously many photo's are edited, cropped, optimised before printing. But the problem also occures with photo's never edited. 
I tried to load photo's from USB flash, from SD, nothing helps. Only question marks appear!
When a "question mark" is selected the Preview is correct. But this is no way to scroll through many pictures.
I consider it a serious 'bug' in the software. Hope it will be repaired with a new software update.  

Hi, PaulGerard!

Can you tell us what file type the images you're trying to print are? For example, are they png, jpg/jpeg, pst, heic, etc.?

A screenshot or photo could also help.

jpg, jpeg and an occasional png.
All images open perfectly on different PC's and laptops, on mobile. But not on CP1500
When opened, there are only question marks. 

Thanks for the updated info.

Your SELPHY can only read JPEG images from external media that meet Exif standards. Editing photos can change Exif information. This is from the online manual:


You may want to print your images using the mobile app instead of your card. Get the Canon Print app HERE.

Very strange that laptop's, all kind of imaging programs can open these files without any difficulty but that Canon software can only opens when there is Exif information. Which is lost when a photo is edited. 

The SELPHY isn't a computer, so it doesn't have the codecs (instructions) to decipher various image files like an operating system (Windows/macOS/Android/iOS) does. The printer's firmware (built-in software) is designed to accept specifically formatted JPEG images. The mobile app will ensure the images are sent to the printer in a way the printer can understand. 


Hi, I just got the printer as well and ran into the same issue. I edited the image through Photoshop and exported it to jpeg but as mentioned, printer would not read it. I then saved the image over to Lightroom and exported it to jpeg through there, and the printer was able to read it. Hope this helps if you're editing photos on PC.

Dear Stephen, I find it quite disappointing that Canon has yet to provide a solution to an issue that many Selphy users have been facing for years. It’s baffling that a photo printer designed for printing photos is unable to handle images that have been edited on a computer first and saved in standard formats like JPEG/JPG. This is a basic requirement, and yet, Canon has not made any effort to address it. To make matters worse, there are no printer drivers available for download! On my Mac (Sonova), when installing the Selphy 1500, no printer driver is found, and I'm unable to add the printer. Overall, I’m very disappointed that Canon has not taken action to resolve these issues.
