cannon 8800f


reduced screen shotscreenshot.pngHello, this is my first message so hope it all goes well.

Before I retired I was a semi-profesional freelance photograher.

In those days it was film only and I acumulated quite a Large stock.

To ensure these photo's did not deteriorate even though they were Kodachrome

I started to digitize them with a scanner, a cannon 8800f in any spare time I had.

lately the scanner has been playing up when in preview it leaves black bars on

the edges of the scanned pic's. I have noticed that this problem occurs more often

with long use time or when the ambient temp is high.

Has anyone else had this problem with their scanner and did they find a cure?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi vettehead,


Based on your discussion the scanning element is starting to fail. This model printer was retired and spare parts or service in no longer available.


You do qualify for the Canon Upgrade program.This is for out of warranty units which have been diagnosed to require service or are incompatible with a new or upgraded system. This program allows you the opportunity to purchase a replacement product discounted from the list price. Free ground shipping is included with your purchase.


If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please call our Sales Department at (866) 443-8002 seven days a week, 8 AM to midnight EST. Let them know you have been working with technical support and that the Canon Upgrade Program was offered.


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