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Worse Customer Service Ever


I ordered ink cartridges for a Canon printer. They placed the order on "Back Order". That was in October 2020. Today I located the cartridges from a different vendor. Trying to cancel the Canon order is a nightmare. There is no way to do that online. OK. No problem - called Customer Service who informed me there would be a 1/2 hour wait to speak to customer service.  I understand there is a pandemic going on. However, last year I had the same problem. I stop ordering thinking things would get better. I like giving second chances. However, Canon, consistently renders bad customer service. I realize they don't like cancelling orders. However when they put a customer's order on "Back Order" customers should have a better system to cancel orders. I'm done ordering anything from Canon. I started the process at 10:00 a.m. It is now 11:49 a.m. 



I am terribly sorry that you dealt with all of that. COVID19 is just delaying everything these days. Your best bet is to find somebody in your community/online tech forums, that are extremely knowledgable about your issue. You have my best wishes and I hope your problem gets solved as soon as possible. 

I got disconnected after 2 hours and 23 minutes... Now waiting for the second time.... 1 hour 6 minutes and counting....


The original product is good, but I found a merchant, the quality is as good as the original, but the price is good.
