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Re: My images seem like they could be sharper. I use all L lenses, any suggestions?


I allways  shot   with  Picture Style  Neutral  or SuperFlat  , which cause the Pic  to  be a little  bit  unsharp.   I then  use  DPP  and  sharpen the Images ( RAW) 


But mostley  it  is an god  Idea  to  send your  Equipment  ( Lens and  Body)  to  Canon Service  so  that the y  can  calibrate  the SetUp   I  do that  with   every new  Lens  and Body SetUp






As you analyze your 'sharpness' issues


make sure you consider:


camera shake

slow shutter speeds

focusing issues

aperture issues


before  you send in your lens


try tripod mounted shots at 1/100-1/250 with apertures of 4.0 or 5.6 (sweet spot for a lot of lenses)

also try single point focus as a trial especially at apertures 2.0 and below



@iND wrote:

As you analyze your 'sharpness' issues


make sure you consider:


camera shake

slow shutter speeds

focusing issues

aperture issues


before  you send in your lens


try tripod mounted shots at 1/100-1/250 with apertures of 4.0 or 5.6 (sweet spot for a lot of lenses)

also try single point focus as a trial especially at apertures 2.0 and below



^Definitely do this first.

OOF, shutter speeds too slow, IS turned on while on tripod, MA may be needed. There are a lot of things to check to make sure it's not user error before sending it in. Otherwise you get a lens back from Canon and have the same issues.

