Please can some one help me with comparison of EOS 1100D and Canon PowerShot SX20 IS.


i am new to photography, though i love it..  have less knowlegde about technical aspects of cameras , right now i have a cannon sx120 camera i am looking to buy Canon PowerShot SX20 IS. but am confused between EOS 1100D and and SX20 IS. SLR and a normal version to be specific... please guide me on comparisions between these.


Rising Star
Rising Star

Here's a comparison of the two:

Your question is extremely broad; please help us out by discussing what you love about photography, what research and understanding you have already, and what you plan to use your camera for.  

Here's another resource for what I think your question is ('SLR vs point-and-shoot'):


"i am new to photography, though i love it.."


Therefore, don't even think about an fixed lens, you want the DSLR, no contest. Even if you don't now, you will. 1100D all the way!

Cat Very Happy

@PaulieDC wrote:

"i am new to photography, though i love it.."


Therefore, don't even think about an fixed lens, you want the DSLR, no contest. Even if you don't now, you will. 1100D all the way!

Cat Very Happy

But a MILC/EVIL (e.g. EOS M) could also be a possiblity?
