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New firmware update for canon connect station cs100


Is there any new firmware update for canon connect station cs100?



Yes, there is a new firmware update available for the Canon Connect Station CS100. The latest version is 1.2.0, which includes several fixes and improvements wellnowurgentcare

Here are some of the key updates:

  1. Enables uploading of images to CS100 via an iOS device running iOS9.

  2. Fixes a phenomenon where the CS100 and camera cannot be connected via NFC due to router settings.

  3. Fixes a phenomenon where the CS100 stops working when certain movie files are imported

To update the firmware, make sure your CS100 device is connected to the internet



The latest firmware update available for the Canon Connect Station CS100 is version 2.5.2. This update addresses an issue where the device would not start when connected to a network via a fixed IP address and continuously powered on for more than two months. If your CS100 has firmware up to version 2.5.1, you can update it by connecting the device to the Internet and following the update instructions in the preferences Aquí menu.To update, ensure that no memory cards, USB cables, or other devices are connected during the process, and avoid turning off or moving the unit while the update is in progress. For step-by-step instructions, you can refer to Canon's official support page.

Thank you so much.
