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Does anybody now how to Uninstall Viuscan 32 bit on a Windows 8.1 64 bit version?


My Canoscan 9000F MK II requires Viuscan 64 bit on Windows 8.1 64 bit.  But, somehow I've got the 32 bit version on my system too.  It must have come in a bundle I got somewhere and theres no uniinstall for it.  Email support at Viuscan (the only support they have, unimpressed) says they don't have experence with Windows 8.1 (also unimpressive).  And thats it.

I don't want to go into the c:\Viuscan directory and start deleting files because it looks like both versions are in this folder.  Plus I don't like to do this because things like registry entries remain and are corrupted.


Thanks for the help.


Best Regards,


Paul Mighetto



I have 2 solutions for your issues,


First uninstall all the printer drivers and re-install the latest drivers for printer for more impressive performing and bug free with latest issues like compatibility and version issues.


Secondly, use any un-installation software for removing the un-installation driver’s files over your system. It’s not going to affect your previous or other driver’s files.
