Canon LIDE 220 Scanner


I am going insane here trying to figure out how to change the settings. I want to save pictures as jpeg and not a pdf. it insists on saving as a pdf file.

can you plz tell me how to change this to jpeg?

I have a Dell desktop and run Windows 10


I have gone through mauals and cannot find anything...tyvm



Hi Lila1956! 

Thanks for posting in the Canon Forums!


To have a better understanding of your issue, please let everyone know what operating system (Windows 7, 8, 10) or Mac OS X (10.X) you are using and what program you are using to scan with. That way, community will be able to assist you with suggestions appropriate for your product.

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I thought I had done that in the question itself and the message..


Canon LIDE 220 Scanner

Windows 10



Hi Lila1956,


The data format often depends on the nature of the document.  Text is typically saved as PDF, and images are usually saved as JPG.  Changing the document type often will change the data format.


  1. Type "IJ Scan Utility" in the search box in the lower left of the screen.

  2. Open IJ Scan Utility.

  3. Place your original.
  4. Press the "Photo" button for JPG. 

The default save location for JPG scanned images is the Windows "Pictures" folder.


This didn't answer your question or issue? Please call or email us at one of the methods on the Contact Us page for further assistance.


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I am on the verge of throwing this scanner in the bin. Why oh why is it so complicated to not scan in a jpeg format? The web is full of complaints about this machine. Canon this is a big big mistake and this machine is hopeless.


I am having the same issues. I am using windows 10 and all i want to do is save images and documents in jpeg format and save them to a seperate folder. All images are save as PDF (which I do not want) and is a word file.

Cannon, You have made a good product, but it feels like you have not really tested it. If you had done that you would probably realise that your "AUTO SCAN" button has a PDF fetish. There is a very simple fix, can you please add the option to choose JPEG under the Data Format dropdown of the Auto scan button settings and stop restricting us to "auto" only. I have no problem with having a manufacturer feature enabled by default, but can you PLEASE give us the option to personalise it and chose to dedicate a button to JPEG. I am aware I can open the software and click "photo", but for streamlined useage having a JPEG button would be better - and i'm not the only one with that opinion, so PLEASE just tweak the GUI and enable the choice of JPEG, one of your devs could do this in no time - I speak from experience. I really hope you actually pay attention to this. Regards, D



If you continue to have difficulties with adjusting the settings in the IJ Scan Utility, troubleshooting with our support group will be needed to narrow down the cause of your issue. Please contact our support group using the "Contact Us" link below for additional assistance.

This didn't answer your question or issue? Find more help at Contact Us.

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I will contact the support group and see how likely it is that the JPEG option can be added to the UI. I will update this forum with any progress made.

Me facing same problem. My system is Win 7 32 Bit. Irrespective of all settings I do, after pressing AUTO SCAN it always saves as PDF. Why can't you update your interface to just accommodate a 'Target File Type' selection? Why ??
