CF card


old D30 can I buy a CF card adapter that uses laptop acceptable cards


Rising Star


Probably wants a CF to SDHC card adapter & yes they are available. You may however be limited on the types of SD cards the camera will be able to write to through the adapter.


"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Thank you for taking the trouble to reply to my message cicopo

The D30 and D60 where retirement presents 13 years ago

So im a bit long in the tooth and not very techno

Would it be possible to tell me exactly what i need

something off ebay or amazon would be good as i live in Cyprus and photographic shops are thin on the ground

Many Thanks


I went to Ebay . com & typed in Sd to CF adapter card & got lots of them. Here's one


"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Many thanks cicopo i have now ordered as you suggested just a little concerned about camera size capabilities for some reason the camera would  accept cf cardup tp 2GB

Of interest to other readers may be the fact that i wrote to Canon about this and asked for a software update from XP

They were totally dismissive and said the camera was very old and i should buy a new one and software support would not be made availabe

 Finally my apologies for the delay in replying i have been away for a couple of days
