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CANON iMAGE GATEWAY can't access


Jan 04 2014 is CANON iMAGE GATEWAY working?  Tried for a half hour...



Hi john44930!


Thanks for posting about the Canon iMage Gateway.


The Canon iMage Gateway was down for planned maintenance over the weekend.  It should now be up and working again.


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It is ridiculous... I registered my product, with serial number, user name and password and CANON SENT ME A CONFIRMATION EMAIL TO THE EMAIL ADDRESS UNDER WHICH I REGISTERED. When I try to log in, I get a message saying that the email address I registered is not valid!!!

Hi ajohenderson!


Welcome to the Canon Forum, and thank you for your inquiry!

We appreciate your participation, however we need to let you know that the Canon Forum is hosted and moderated within the United States by Canon USA. We are only able to provide support for Canon products manufactured for and used within the US market.

If you live outside the United States, please visit and select your country or region for your support needs.

Feel free to discuss Canon products sold outside of the United States, but please be aware that you will not receive support directly from Canon USA.

Hi Crista, thanks. FYI, I'm american, bought the canon in the US on a credit card issued by a US bank via canon. As it happens, I bought the camera because I travel and funnily enough I use a camera when traveling. I'm not sure this should disqualify me from tech support from canon USA.

Having the same problem, it says :
"An unexpected error has occurred.
Please log in again.
This window may be displayed when you press a button twice, open a new window using browser functionality, or at other times depending on your browser."
Does that mean it is something going on with the web or my account?

Just registered my SX700 and am having the same problem. I've tried different browsers and different computers.


I setup a Canon account yesterday and registered my new PowerShot S110 but when I try to sign-in to the Image Gateway site it says "An unexpected error has occurred.”  I also tried to sign-in to Image Gateway through CameraWindow but I get an error message that says "Failed to connect to the server.”  I know my username and password are fine because I can login to the Canon site.

I searched the web for a solution and have found a lot of people with the same problem on this forum.  However, in nearly all of the threads the issue was never resolved.  This is unacceptable and I may be getting a refund if Canon won’t fix the issue in a timely manner. 

Purchased and registered a new SX280HS PS camera on 6/19/14.  Tried to get into Canon IMage Gateway - no luck though I have been there before - several months ago.  Called Canon - tech said the site was down and Canon did not know when it would be back up. 


What kind of Tier 1 company (Canon) promotes a feature to sell their cameras (the Canon Image Gateway), and when it is down does not post a notice for same AND then does not fix it within 4 hours?   From this thread, it appears the site has been down for several days and no official word from Canon. 


Imagine all the wasted effort by purchasers like us trying to re-register, change passwords, re-install software...that is a lot of disrespect for their customers when they are not transparent about issues they have with a major selling feature of their product. 


And so now we cannot use some of the wifi features of the camera -- they need acknowledge the issue and state when the site will be up.  Bad bad.

I am RickWat and I am having the same problem. I did contact Richard, Canon Technical Support Representative at "Canon Support - EOS Camera".  AS of 19 June 2014 at 6:09 PM Richard Replied to me that: 


"Thank you for contacting Canon product support regarding your access to the Canon iMAGE Gateway.  I can understand how frustrating this can be.


The Canon iMAGE Gateway is currently unavailable.  The Canon Web Development Team is working to resolve this issue.  Unfortunately, we don't have an estimate for its return to service.  I regret the inconvenience this causes.

I recommend trying the Canon iMAGE Gateway again in a few hours.


Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance with your Canon camera.  Thank you for choosing Canon.



Technical Support Representative"


It is now two days later, 21 June 2014 at 4:10PM EDT, and I see the iIMAGE Gatewat is still not working.
