CANON iMAGE GATEWAY can't access


Jan 04 2014 is CANON iMAGE GATEWAY working?  Tried for a half hour...


I am experiencing the same problem and I agree with your post. I can confirm the iIMAGE Gateway has been unavailable for at leat two days.

I've been having this problem since I bought my PowershotA1400 6 MONTHS AGO, and STILL no  resolution.


I can log in to the Forum with no problem, but whenever I go to the CanonUSA homepage, and  click on "Log in",  I get the following:


the https has a red line through it and the page says, "Server presented an expired (security)certificate" 


So, what gives? Is the Canon website secure, or isn't it? What am I doing wrong?



I am using XP, Google Chrome, and Norton , and also Comcast is my service provider. All are up to date. 


I like my camera, but it concerns me that I am unable to access ImageGateway and other features of the website.


Can anyone help? 


I bought my camera a month ago for an upcoming trip.  Everything worked great.  Now, as I prepare to leave I can't use it for the purpose it was bought for.  I've tried for 2 days to access Image Gateway and no success.  Hope they figure this out soon. It would be helpful to get an error that says the problem is on their end and not mine so I don't spend 2 days trying to figure it out just to realize I'm not doing something wrong.  

i'm regretting buying a canon now, before reading this thread. it dates back months and the problem has not been cleared up.


pathetic that a photo sharing website has been down for a week now. this is not rocket science.

Found the Image GAteway site back up Monday after being down for many days.  No explanation.  We will see how stable it remains.

the Canon iMage Gateway is unreliable and idiotically designed - it really makes me sorry that I bought a Canon with wifi

I re-registered my camera, and STILL can't access ImageGateway. I'm still getting an "ERROR" message when I try to login.


I'm very sorry I bought a Canon.

Finally got it working but am VERY disappointed at the functionality and unreliability.


I'll just use my dependable and easy Eye-Fi card.

I logged into Canon Image Gateway after a frustrating week. It was working for me last night and this morning, 24 June 2014.However; sometimes the login took a couple attempts.

It is down again, at least yesterday and today.


I would never consider using it, but the Wi-Fi feature of my Camera requires it.


I'm thinking I should return the camera and buy a different  make.  This is really stupid, require customers to use a web site that they cannot keep up and running!
