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EOS Webcam Software with macOS 10.16(11) BigSur


Just to help save anyone time, The EOS Webcam Utility does not yet run on the beta version of macOS BigSur.  If it is critical to use this software, do not upgrade to the beta software, and wait for Canon and Apple to release full versions of their software.



Why do you think they call it beta?

Never do anything critical with beta software. I will never understand some people - which is not necessarily the OP, this comes up all the time.

Although I agree with you kvbarkley, it is posts like these that produce changes.  The more attention a post like this gets, it movtivates companies to update, and create fixes.  Companies release beta versions to pre-emptively find issues and request feedback (which is what this is).  I believe the EOS Webcam Software is also in beta so anyone is using it is already "at their own risk".  There are people (like myself) who are responsible for testing software before deploying to their organziations (like OS updates) and small sample beta testing is a great way to get a jump on things before organization wide depoyments.  Knowing what works and what doesn't allows people and business to make educated decisions on the upgrade path.  This software is likely not critical to any organization or person but knowing a limitation is better than not knowing.  Without generating a buzz, companies might also not prioritize fixes like these so it might not even work after they go to public release.

Testing is great, that is what beta is about. But I see too many folks who just switch to a beta and complain that something mission critical is broken.

Reporting that Product A Beta does not work with Product B Beta is waste of time.  


Did you "report" this to Apple, too?  Did you notice the pinned thread for people to provide feedback on their experiences?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."