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which SD card is best for t3i


I just purchased a t3i and I am wondering which SD card is best for video and picture. I am thinking of getting 2 16GB's instead of 1 32 GB to start but don't know which class 10 card to get.


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Toolman,


While we don't recommend specific brands or models of cards, we do recommend that you use a memory card produced by a major manufacturer of memory cards that closely adheres with the current industry standards.  You may see the standards at

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You can go for another memory card which must be made by good manufacturer.    


Over the years, I've used a lot of SD cards.  I still have a 32MB card just for kicks all the way up to 128GB.  Similar thing for write speeds.  The only problem I've ever had with SD cards was with a Lexar Professional 128GB 400x card.  This is supposed to be a top tier card.  I worked around the problem and didn't lose any photos.  It could just be that I used this card the most and the odds of failure caught up to me.


I checked on Amazon for 16-32GB class 10 SD cards.  I would be comfortable shooting with any of the best sellers.  The failure odds may eventually catch up to you, but worrying about that will just get in the way of making great photos.  I do suggest getting three cards if you tend to temporarily misplace tiny things. 

Can anyone tell me something about using micro sd hc cards?
I wanna buy a 32gb micro sdhc card. Do you recommend it??

I purchased a 64GB Sony SDXC card for $18.99 with free shipping from Amazon last week for shooting stills and 1080p videos with my Canon DSLR that works great .

Screen Shot 2015-11-16 at 9.17.46 AM.png


The two leading brands for SD cards are Sandisk and Lexar.


There are fake SD cards on the market and there are shady cards which will claim to adhere to a spec... but don't really adhere to that spec.  One of the biggest problems occurs when trying to record video.  The camera has a small internal buffer so as you start to record video, the video frames are being stored inside the camera buffer AS the camera is also trying to save that data to the card.  But if the camera internal buffer is filling faster than the card can accept data, the buffer will eventually overflow and force the camera to stop recording video.


If you plan to record video, get a quality card from Sandisk or Lexar.



Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

I use 2000x Lexar UHS-II cards in my Samsung NX1 for ultra fast uploads of my 4K videos using the Lexar UHS-II USB 3.0 card reader. The NX1 that shoots 28mp @15fps is one of the very few cameras with UHS-II support but I am sure that will change as more camera will be shooting 4K video and high speed, high mp stills.

what would you recommend for a person who is making youtube videos and has a canon t3i wich memory card will work best
