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white and color streaks on my pictures


Hello Canon forum, 


I have a Canon T6i which I've been using for a year now. On my latest pictures I've noticed white and color streaks after downloading them to the computer for review and editing. 


Because I recently bought lenses I thought they were damaged, but later noticed I have these same lines on pictures taken with different lenses for which I discarted it was the lens. 


Nevertheless, when I opened these pictures on Photoshop I wasn't able to see the lines I saw on preview mode, but I did see the image with a lot of blue dots like if it was some kind of blue noise. I've attached a few pics. 


Anyone having the same problem? What could it be? Camera? Memory card?





Same pic in photoshop


Screen Shot 2018-05-02 at 12.26.13 PM.png



I don't know what the white streaks are. But the blue "noise" looks like you have the shadow and highlight warning function enabled on your camera. You might also get similar results when viewing the files in Canon DPP4 if the feature is enabled there as well. It indicates areas in the image that are so dark they contain little or no image detail.


Oooo... Ooooo! I'm going take a guess at what the white streaks are. Assuming that your exposure was long enough, there was an airplane with blinking lights that passed thru your field of view while the shutter was open.


Or maybe it was aliens. Smiley Surprised

Thank you @BurnUnit 🙂


That sure helps understand the blue when opened in photoshop.  Still a newby to editing software. 


As for the white streaks, maybe aliens? Robot tongue 


It wasn't a plane.  I noticed the white streaks come up randomly on my pictures when on preview mode on my Mac. Perhaps a Mac problem? 


The thing is, it doesn't happen on older pictures when I view them on the preview in my Finder.  Man Sad




That sure helps understand the blue when opened in photoshop.  Still a newby to editing software. 


As for the white streaks, maybe aliens? Robot tongue 


It wasn't a plane.  I noticed the white streaks come up randomly on my pictures when on preview mode on my Mac. Perhaps a Mac problem?


If you get similar looking red areas in daylight or other brightly lit images that means you have blown out highlights, areas of pure white without any image detail. The camera and software menus should give you a way to enable or disable these warnings.

Do you notice the white streaks only appearing in these darker, longer exposure pictures but not in better lighting when using higher shutter speeds?



It is hard for me to imagine the blue spots to be shadow warnings.  Since the shot is almost all totally black!  What was actually there in the scene in that particular placement?


I think I would do a reset on the camera.  Clear all settings under the Tools menu tab.  Buy a new SD card.  Get a good one not a cheapo.


The white streaks do look like you picked up something in the scene.  What new lenses did you buy?


".. I opened these pictures on Photoshop I wasn't able to see the lines I saw on preview mode, but I did see the image with a lot of blue dots..."



That also makes me think the blue dots are something already in the scene picked up by the camera.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

Good to know. Will be aware of the warnings on the software menus.  As for the streaks, I'm seeing them in almost all pictures independent of long exposure ones. Daylight, high speed pictures also have it too. 

Hello ebiggs1, I bought brand new Canon lenses 50mm, 24-70mm and along with a kit lens I used all pictures taken in the last 3 days will show the white streaks on them. 


I thought of buying another SD card until my husband's pictures also started showing the white lines. He has the same camera, but a separate unit. It makes me think it could be something related to my Mac? 


Still, what's curious to me is that I don't see the lines in older pictures. Only the ones we took in the past 3 days. 


As for the blue dots, I indeed went to Photoshop and was able to turn off the blue on the picture with what @BurnUnit suggested in the previous reply. We where shooting for the moon and there was nothing else on the frame when I took that picture except for sky. 


I will follow with doing a reset of all settings, just in case. And try to photograph again and see what happens.  If there is anything else you could think of, please by all means share it with me.


Thank you so much for your time. 

I'm going to retract my guess that some sort of blinking light passed thru your field of view during a long exposure. The reason why is that I slowly scrolled the second image down to the bottom of my browser window and the white lines are perectly horizontal and line up exactly with the bottom frame of the browser. It would be pretty flukey for them to randomly line up that well. 


Unless they were aliens.

The fact that you're getting the same effect from a second camera would also lead me to think that maybe it was a computer related problem. Have you done any updates recently or installed any new software? Were the affected photos all shot using Live View? Just trying to figure out some kind of pattern here.

"I thought of buying another SD card until my husband's pictures also started showing the white lines. He has the same camera, but a separate unit. It makes me think it could be something related to my Mac? "


Yes I think this eliminates the camera(s) if two separate bodies are exhibiting the same issue.  Look at the Mac or its software.  Also it could be the USB connector or USB cable.


As for the blue spots, there has to be something in the original scene to trigger the shadow warning.  The camera desn't make it up.  if there was not, they won't be there because it didn't get the shadows clipped.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

"Unless they were aliens.'


Russians?  Smiley Very Happy

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.