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upgrade from a 60D to an 80D?


I own a 60D my only DSLR, I’m thinking about buying an 80D. my 60D would be a backup then. Is a 80D worth the upgrade? thanks, Blair


@Peter wrote:

Found this from the editor of the the Swedish magazine Fotosidan:

5D Mark IV är den tredje kamera från Canon med a/d-omvandlare på samma chip som sensorn. Det ger kortare signalvägar och tydligt större dynamiskt omfång. 1D X Mark II har mäts upp till 13,5 stegs dynamiskt omfång. 5Ds och 5DsR ligger ett steg under och 5D Mark III & 1D X nästan två steg under 1D X Mark II.


A fast translation would be like:

5D Mark IV is the third camera from Canon with A/D on-chip. It gives shorter signals and wider dynamic range. 1D X Mark II was measured to 13,5 stops. 5Ds and 5DsR are one stop below and 5D Mark III and 1D X two stops below the 1D X mark II.


The same editor writes about another thing:

Enligt Canons högste fotochef så har det trolleritricket kostat svettigt mycket pengar ur deras perspektiv.


According to the photo manager (is that a correct translation?) ...

Close enough, I'd say. If it's not to be read as "someone who cooks photos", the most literal translation of "fotochef" would seem to be "photo chief".  Smiley Happy

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Are they talking about image sensors or AF sensors?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Image sensor.