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t5i kit lense


I was looking into buying a t5i, but the 18-55 kit lens, I found has a very short focus throw, but sense it done electronicly I was wondering if I can change it in the settings or with majic lantern.


@myname wrote:

I'm not talking about mechinaicly focused lenses I'm talking about lense that have a focus by wire ( as in turning the focus ring send a signal to focus then lens). going by some of these post I should make it clear that theres no reason it can't do what I'm asking if it dose I'm only asking if  it allows you to change it, as in did cannon make a way for setting this, or did majic lantern do it.

Negative.  The lens will not do what you seek.  The lens cannot be modified to do what you want, either.  Period.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

@ebiggs1 wrote:

"I was looking into buying a t5i ..."


IMHO, any Rebel makes a poor video camera.  If video is your main most thing, get a real video camera and not a DSLR.

Rebels are still cameras that do video. They are not video cameras that do stills.

It is one reason I never did or got into video.

I second Ernie's view. We keep seeing questions from users who frankly have unrealistic expectations about a DSLR's performance as a video camera. It's like asking how to make a Toyoto Corolla behave like a Land Rover.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA