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my picture shows huge black ring


I just got a brand new 5Dmk3 last week and put sigma 50mm 1.4 on it. There were huge black circles appeared on my pictures after taking few testing shots.( two pictures had the circles)black circles

Would anyone know what is causing this problem? Is it the camera or the  lense? Both are too new to me. So I am perplexed.

I have searched the internet but could not find anythng similar to my problem. Thank you!!




Hi, did you ever find a solution to this as I've got the same with my new Sigma 35mm 1.4 on 5D mark iii

I am sorry to hear that you have a same problem. I did not find the solution. I tried another new sigma lens and it had the same problem. So I ended up returning the 5dmk3 and got a new 5dmk3 and since then I have had no problems. Hope you can find the solution.

Disable lens corrections when youre using that lens or uncheck the EF 35mm 1.4 lens profile using EOS Utility. It worked for me.

Thank you so much for the solution, I will try that with my new lens.


Could it be a watermark?  Is there a setting in the camera to apply one in processing?

My guess is that it uses those rings to calculate both chromatic aberrations and vingette. Since its not a Canon brand lens it gets stuck in the process. Man Frustrated


If you disable just one you'll get one ring...

I had the exact same thing happen just now. Although, I am using a Tamron 45mm on a 5d mk4. I also, had never seen anything like it. Please let me know if you found a solution to it.


Disable Peripheral Illumination Correction with non-Canon lenses, it is known to cause problems like this.

I accept that Sigma, Tamron, and others make some decent glass and in some cases have a feature set unavailable from Canon but these are the sorts of issues that can happen when a compnay has to reverse engineer compatability with a camera body.  It sounds like the causes/work-around has been identified in this thread which again shows how valuable forums like this are for owners.


I am intrigued by Sigma's upcoming 105mm F1.4 lens (a combination not available in Canon glass) but it is threads like this one that give me pause that little quirks may be present.  I will probably end up with a Canon 85mm 1.4 instead.


The best "glass" you can justify/afford is the best investment in your future photography.  A good lens will outlast several generations of bodies and will provide the best your camera body can deliver.  When I was finishing up the PhD program when the EOS line first came out I "saved" money by buying a couple of aftermarket lenses-a mistake I won't repeat.  



EOS 1DX M3, 1DX M2, 1DX, 5DS R, M6 Mark II, 1D M2, EOS 650 (film), many lenses, XF400 video

Thank you for that.  I disable the lens correction and it cleared up perfectly.  funny thing, this lens works fine with lens correction on my crop sensor, and my other lenses work fine of the full frame and crop sensor alike.   Anyhow.  thanks for the fix.  and it was only happening in manual modes with jpeg.  all raw and jpeg auto was fine.  now all modes are good with your suggested fix


