Uploading Raw Images to convert


Hey All,

I am completely new at this and shot about 400 photos in RAW for my nieces birthday party and I just found out RAW images wont upload?

Any way I can go around this? If I take it to a photo place with my SD or cable will they be able to print?


Any help is greatly appreciated!





Raw is just a file format.  If any file can be put on your computer so can the raw files.  You do need a raw converter to see them. to view them, but not to upload to the computer.  You should have got DPP 4 with your camera.  At any rate if you didn't it is free form Canon.  You will need it or some other like software for the conversion.


Almost all current computers have SD slots in them from the factory.  Put the SD card in it and use your computers file management system.  I.E., File Explorer in Windoze. Whatever Mac has.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.


What computer do you use? What camera do you have?


@segoviarivias wrote:

Hey All,

I am completely new at this and shot about 400 photos in RAW for my nieces birthday party and I just found out RAW images wont upload?

Any way I can go around this? If I take it to a photo place with my SD or cable will they be able to print?


Any help is greatly appreciated!



A RAW file is a digital negative.  You cannot upload that file type to social media, nor can you print directly from it.  Just like in film, the negative must be first converted into a form viewable to humans, which can mean a JPEG file type.


There are advantages and disadvantages to using either file type.  It sounds like you have discovered one of the few disadvantages to using the RAW file type: you cannot share the files until you convert them.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

  I have an acer tablet and no slot for  SD card and I have a rebel t6.

how would i convert them? They do not transfer onto my laptop when I attach the usb cord.

@segoviarivias wrote:

how would i convert them? They do not transfer onto my laptop when I attach the usb cord.

I suspect your tablet may fall short of the mark.  


What Operating System is it running?  If it is running MS Windows, then you might be able to run the free Digital Photo Professinal software from Canon.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


Waddizzle wrote:


A RAW file is a digital negative.  You cannot upload that file type to social media, nor can you print directly from it.  Just like in film, the negative must be first converted into a form viewable to humans, which can mean a JPEG file type.


There are advantages and disadvantages to using either file type.  It sounds like you have discovered one of the few disadvantages to using the RAW file type: you cannot share the files until you convert them.

You can print directly from a RAW file with DPP.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Laptop or tablet?


A laptop can handle it, a tablet probably can't. IOS can load RAWS. but they just display the JPEG preview.

"They do not transfer onto my laptop when I attach the usb cord."


In reverse order.  Do you have a laptop or a tablet? Or, both?  I doubt the tablet will work at all so forget it.  


"how would i convert them?" 


If you have a real laptop you need to d/l the free DPP4 from Canon.  It is virtually seamless to u/l to a computer or laptop with it.  With DPP4 you will be able to do whatever you want with the raw files.


So, once again so you truly understand, you need a real deal laptop or computer and DPP4.  This is not splitting atoms here it is really that simple.  You may find someone that knows more about Acer tablets than I but I don't think its use is possible for raw files.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.