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This might be my last ever Canon product!


Had a several great Canon 35mm film camera, a Rebel dslr  that lasted for MANY  years, then corrupted it's electronics and became useless.

 Bought a new . 

Rebel last August ( 2016 ), now suddendly it does NOTHING when plugged into either PC I use. Litteraly, one day it works fine, the NEXT DAY........will not work. NOTHING was changed ( by me ) on the computers, the only change on the camera was I formatted the card ( to erase previous un needed images). The images are on the camera, but NOTHING pops up, no connection to any photo program ( I have several ). 

Both PC's "see" the camera, indicate it's there, but no recognizing of images to be downloaded.

How could formatting the card cause this?At wits end, ANY IDEAS BY ANYONE??



You are right, most of us - those without red names - are *literally* amateurs. We do this because we like to help people.

@rmrgdr wrote:

How can I delete this whole useless thread? MODS PLEASE DELETE>

At least now we know. Please forgive us for wasting your time, and we'll forgive you for wasting ours.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA