T4i recall

I just tried to buy the t4i today at best buy and the guy said he couldn't sell it to me because they were recalled- and I can't find anything anywhere online saying anything about a recall! What is the deal?! How long will it be before I can buy it?


Not sure you got the truth there. I think the recall was quite a while ago but here's a link to the info.




Note the dates of manufacture affected.


"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Yeah that's why I'm so confused!!! I've looked everywhere and all I've found was one saying the grips were giving some people allergic reactions and another one saying the grips could turn white after a while. But then the dates are all 2012! I don't get why bestbuy would do something like that if it wasn't true lol. The guy at the store was like "yeah the will probably be something on cnet about the recall within a few hours" and I haven't seen a thing!!

I just checked B & H and they've got it available in several body & lens kits & body only & it says "in stock" under every one of them.




I suggest you try some other local shops.


"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Maybe they don't have it in stock and just making excuses. To be honest, BB is the worst place to buy camera and accessories. Everything is way over-priced.

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@hsbn wrote:

To be honest, BB is the worst place to buy camera and accessories. Everything is way over-priced.

Best advice in the entire thread.

Bought a T4I last November and they are still available at many stores and online today.  Canon has an online site you can check for the grip issue, mine was made after the grip issue was corrected.  If you compare the changes between the T4I and T5I there are only minor differences and aren't really worth the additional $$ to me.

IF you are near a BJ's warehouse outlet. . . they have them for sale.
One just opened here in Fayetteville, NC and sure enough. . . there they are right in the store..


The T4i had a battery grip that discolored on _some_ bodies (it was a limited batch of material used to make the rubberized grip and only cameras in a specific range of serial numbers would discolor).  It wasn't really a big deal as it didn't impact the function of the camera -- just the cosmetic look.  


There was a noticeable difference between the T3i and T4i (all 9 AF points are cross-type points, touch screen, ability to take full-advantage of STM lenses, etc.)  But there's _extremely_ little that's different between a T4i and a T5i.


It appears that when Canon introduced the T5i, they withdrew the T4i from marketing.  You can still find them, but I don't think they are actively building them anymore -- and this is likely why some retails simply don't have any for sale.


Canon does still make the T3i, but that just offers a lower price point and a difference in features.  


If you can find a T4i, make sure you update it to the latest firmware.  The factory firmware had a glitch which *might* make the camera freeze up unexpectedly if used with a lens equipped with STM -- the firmware fixes the issue.


Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da