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T3 takes photos, then later, they say "No Image"


I just took a bunch of family photos on my T3, and I could go back and view them all and everything right after taking them.  An hour later, I look at them and the latter half of the photos can't be previewed, but rather than a thumbnail, have a "No Image" icon.  The SD card also seems to not want to load on my computer either... Grrrr. 

The card is a 16GB Class 6 SDHC card made by "IRIS."  Photos are JPEG.  I've tried all kinds of recovery software.  Files won't open in Preview, Chrome, Gimp, Finder. GIMP at least gave me the error, "unsupported marker type 0x44"  (the 0x44 tags change depending on the file).

Any ideas what might be the culprit and whether or not I can save the photo session of my kids?  Thank you all so much for you help!  My wife and soon-to-mail christmas cards are also begging for your collective wisdom!


I'm on disabilty now, I used to be a computer Tech and photographer (38 years). I might be able to get the software beginning of June and get you some none watermarked repairs. Right now it looks good for having enough to do it then as long as no emergencies come up between now and then.


I'll let you know if I can or I have to wait a bit longer.


Cool. Ping me when you are thinking about it - I would hate to have you foot the bill, so hoping some of us can contribute to cover the cost. Thanks!!

P.S. EXIF data will do nothing for being able to view the image. EXIF data is only for information for humans/software and has nothing to do with the image itself. Most websites actually remove the EXIF data (Facebook being a prime example) for privacy sake without effecting the view-ability of the image.

tayzerker Check your private messaging, I sent you a link to the repaired files.

hello wolfie0827 i need your help recovering images please help me