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Safety shift for AutoISO in M mode with R5


I would love to see a possibility for a Safety Shift in M mode and Auto ISO to obtain correct exposure, (as  is possible in Av en Tv mode) . Or..., make it possible to adjust Minimum Shutterspeed with AutoISO and Av directly with one of the dials instead of diving into the menu. Posting this in the hope Canon could add this in a future firmware-update.



I'm not following this.  In Manual mode, you have control over all three variables: aperture, shutter and ISO.  And while it's possible to have auto ISO in manual, you would never get auto aperture or auto shutter in that mode.   If you do, use either aperture-priority or shutter-priority modes.


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers

Hi Ricky, what I mean is , I like working in Manual with Auto ISO. But , for example, when you're outside and it's partly cloudy., and you are set at 2.8 at 125, 100 iso( or 50 iso  expanded) might give you un overexposed image. And then I would like the camera to overrun my set shutterspeed of 125 to higher one so that there's a "correct"  exposure again.  Or aperture, by choice. That's Safety Shift. 


But that's not how manual works.  In cameras with no auto-ISO, manual means _you_ control everything.  The aperture, shutter and ISO you set will not change.  For camera's with auto-ISO in manual mode, you still control aperture and shutter.  They will not change.   If you want aperture and shutter to be selected for you, you'll need to use an appropriate mode.

Also to add... are you using the exposure indicator at all?  I am usually in manual mode and I use that as a guide to get me close.  Then, I analyze the scene and adjust things as needed due to experience.  e.g. if the scene is a snow-scape, I know that the camera will need help in getting to a more correct exposure.  So I'll adjust one, maybe two of the values.


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers

I like the control of Manual, but I sometimes like the speed and ease  of one variable to be chosen automatically, and because I know out of experience( professional for 35 years) which aperture and shutterspeed I want for the the situation and the lens given, the most logical is the variabel to be ISO. But you run into trouble when you 're getting close to 100 ISO. That's all. That's why I would like a Safety Shift there. By the way, I have been away from Canon for 3 years, to Sony, and there I developed a super speedy and very controllable exposure method: Av with AutoISO and one dial set to immediately interfere with the Minimum Shutterspeed. And that is, unfortunately, not possible with Canon. Yet!
